Why We Are Launching a Crowdfunding Campaign
The Vaayu Vision Collective is a conscious art making community in India. We aim to create a support system for artists to envision, create, and share their ideas with the community. For the last two years the VVC has been blessed to have the energy and support of some of the most creative alternative artist from music producers to painters, and sculptures. Together we have generated a co-dependent alliance of talented individuals with the core belief of spreading INSPIRATION.
With the limited amount of funds we had available Jill Ferguson, Miles Toland, Dita Magar, Alexander Lyle and I have been organically developing the Vaayu Vision Collective. At the moment we are located on the beautiful beach of Ashvem in North Goa, where we have been running an artist residency, an open art gallery, and event space. Our artists' residency offers accommodation and a simple shared workspace for artist to create their work and live as a community. We have been lucky enough to host and showcase the work of visual artists' Miles Toland, Kelly Darragh, Sachin Shetty, Harshvardhan Kadam and Alexander Lyle. Check out the work they did by clicking on the links at the bottom of this page.
The Crew...
Miles Toland- Painter, builder, all around manifester. Astral projection powers. www.tolandarts.com
Alexander G Lyle VI- Project Manger, performance artist, installation artist and designer. Ballet dancing powers.
Jill Ferguson- Operations and Systems. Divine Microsoft excel powers and Type A genius.
Dita Magar- Communications and Press. Amazing person powers.
Rahul Malaney- Customer Relations and Sales. Dreaming Powers.
Besides the art shows and events that were part of our original plan, we were thrilled to accidentally become a part of Goa's first street art movement that has splattered all over north Goa. Ignited by the VVC artists and the Moscow based street art crew Vitae Viazi, this past season Goa got a solid dose of murals for everyone to enjoy.
Even though our hearts are filled with gratitude for the amazing people that have supported this project with their talent and energy (You know who you are....thank you so much for your support... We Love you) the VVC is aching to blossom in to the thriving hive of creation we all want it to become. The essential key we seem to be missing is sustainability.
Moving forward we have decided to develop the production of larger scale installations and multi-functional structures for festivals, other events and public places. This evolution was inspired by the new media installation called the Crysalis by Miles Toland, Nikita Masthora, Ross, Dimitry, as well as Alex Lyle’s Temple structure that were created by VVC artists this season. By opening up these creative services to the market we hope to create a broader professional network for our artists and generate income, which will go towards funding the continual development of the program.
The funds we raise will allow us to:
1. Build a workshop space at our residency
2. Equipt the work shop with some basic tools and infrastructure
3. Set up a basic audio and visual production studio at the residency
4. Cover operational costs of the project including rent, utilities, transport, production manager salary, etc
5. Pay for raw materials to build one large modular installation and one small stage set up.